Hope Everyone is ready for the Holidays,
I thought for sure this Winter was going to be a wet one, but as the contractors are slowing down for the holidays, many projects are ramping up for 2024. So we are setting up Certification classes one after the other, in-between projects, Guest speakers, Job walks and class work. On the 5th we had Bobby Kuks, Business agent with the Sheet Metal Local 104 as a guest speaker. Bobby had our students doing the virtual welding after sharing his testimony and the benefits of being a union sheet metal member. On the 19th we will have guest speaker, Lionel Barragan Business agent with the Laborers Local 185. After talking with Lionel about this upcoming year, Its going to be a busy one. As everyone is aware of the importance of certifications, many of our students have received their Confined Spaces, Flagging, CPR, Traffic Control and OSHA 10 this month preparing them even more for employment.
More great news! Today our students got to tour the Resource Building Renovation Project Turner Construction is doing on N St, Downtown. They learned about the schedules to scopes of work performed by the many subcontractors. Then wet toured the project. We went to the 8th floor first to see the fireproofing that was done on all of the steel and metal with mono coat. Then we met the Electrical foreman EJ with Redwood Electric. After sharing his testimony, he let us know when the jobsite downshifts into overdrive, there will be 100 plus electricians on that project. All of my students that want to be electricians eyes lit up. We also had the pleasure of meeting the foreman Courtney from Olsen Steel. Courtney and her crew were demoing the old staircase one floor at a time, and in filling with new support beams. After they installed the new stair set. She shared with our students that her husband is a iron worker too and she couldn’t see herself doing anything else. The work that Ironworkers do isn’t for everyone, but if you want it, its there! Turner has opened the door for another tour in January after the holidays. I would like to thank Amanda Laufer from Turner Construction for helping set this up, and Zach Reed and Karina Castaneda for their presentation, and for taking us on the tour. We had a blast!
Thank you,
Allyn Green-Mather/Placer Trade Instructor