March was a very busy and exciting month for NCCT in West Sac

1. NCCT WSAC River City High School students are excited to be hosting and participating in this year’s SRBX shed competition. They have been working on framing, blueprints, estimation, decorations, scale models.

2. WSAC Adult Ed and High School students are designing and working on a Hunchback of Notre Dame stage set build for the high school. We are building it in removable sections like Legos. Students are doing architectural details making plywood look like bricks and adding stained glass features by using plywood with film and light.

3. NCCT WSAC hosted the YPC – Young Professionals Conference. There were over 600 CTE students plus 70 guests, speakers, doctors, realtors, engineers, architects, electricians, apprenticeship programs, unions and more! Students were able to meet professionals and ask questions about various specific career pathways. NCCT was thrilled to see that the Construction / Engineering pathway had the biggest showing of interest!


4. Placements: Congratulations goes out to the following students
-M. Rendon was @ the WUSD campus for 2 months and made quick work of the program. He was one of the first students here every morning and participated fully every day. He will be missed in the shop. M. Rendon took a math test with District Council 16 and was actively looking for contractors to apply with. He went down to the Clark Pacific hiring event and was put on the hiring list. M. Rendon finally accepted full-time work with ALCAL Specialty Contractors and starts training Monday March 11, 2024!


-R.Minton a WUSD Adult Ed construction student got accepted into the Ironworkers Union Local 118.He attended the WUSD program for about 3 months and completed the construction training and welding training with NCCT. He earned 6 industry certifications and will receive prevailing wage with fringe benefits: medical, dental, vision, pension, annuity, vacation pay and more. The Ironworkers total package is up to $88 hour and $176k a year!

– Congratulations to N. Johnson & D. Coleman, WUSD’s most recent job placements with Clark Pacific, a Union contractor from Yolo County. Both students attended a large hiring event a few weeks ago and are finally working. Both students will receive union benefits: medical, dental, vision, pension and vacation pay. NCCT has had a close relationship with Clark Pacific for over 15 years now! They are also the sponsor of the WUSD River City High School Team for the SRBX shed building competition.


5. Congratulations to A. Munoz for passing the Sheet Metal Union entrance exam. Not an easy feat!
A. Munoz has been with the WUSD Adult Ed construction program for 3 months and has earned 6 industry certifications in that time. He has been studying for the ASVAB aptitude test and now has permission to seek employment with union contractors. The total sheet metal package is up to $92 hour @ 2000 hours a year-a whopping184k annually! We are excited and proud to mentor and guide him every step of the way to achieve his goals!

6. The WUSD campus we had a guest speaker from the State of California, Stacy Teegarden, who did a great presentation on how to find an apprenticeship program and get accepted into the Union trades. She also provided key information on what to say in interviews, how to fill-out applications, take math tests, understand fringe benefits and much more. All critical information to know for a career in the trades. The students are now better equipped to navigate their future.

7. District Council 16 Business Rep Randy Rojas did a wonderful presentation on 5 trades: Drywall finishers, floor covers, glaziers, painters, and specialty crafts. Randy reviewed the job descriptions, pay scales and all the wonderful benefits of being a union member. He shared his personal experiences in the trades and was very honest with the students on what challenges to expect in the workforce. He is very supportive of the NCCT Pre-Apprenticeship training program and said that he will be pulling future workers from NCCT!


8.Twenty-five students received their OSHA Heat & Illness certifications at RCHS. It is the first school in the State to receive YOUTH CTE training with Teamsters Union Local 150 and we now have access and permission to do future training: CPR – Hazmat – Forklift – Confined Spaces. After contacting the Union looking for youth training options and getting permission straight from Washington DC, NCCT WSAC is now the pilot program for youth certifications in the State – leading the way!


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