Enrollment Form
Online Enrollment Form
- Complete the Enrollment Form on this site.
- You will immediately be emailed the Welcome Packet and NCCT Application.
- Complete your application.
- For the quickest processing time email it to heather@ncctinc.org. If you are unable to email your completed application, please call to schedule an appointment to bring it in to the main office. Office hours are typically M-F from 8:00AM-2:30PM
- Once you have turned submitted your completed application and required documents to NCCT office staff, you will receive a start date.
To enroll in the program, NCCT will also need copies of the following documentation that applies to you.
- Completed Application
- Valid California ID or Driver’s License
- Social Security Card
- Current 3Year DMV Printout
- High School Diploma/Transcripts or GED Certificate
- Selective Service Card (Males 18 -26 yrs.)
- Permanent Resident Card
** Please note that you can still enroll into NCCT and begin classes even if you do not have all these documents right away. You can work on gathering these items while attending the program. We just require that you have at least 3 of these documents turned in before you will be able to collect any earned certifications that you obtain while enrolled in classes. Otherwise, we will hold your certifications until these are submitted.