Board of Directors

Anna F. Molander
Married to a Sacramento native, Anna is a health care lawyer with over a decade of legal experience in litigation and counseling.
Anna’s guiding principle – that great schools build great communities – has led her to be deeply engaged in Sacramento’s communities. Her passion for quality education for all children has recently grown into several projects involving technical and vocational education to support children and adults in Sacramento where the public school system does not provide services.
Anna served on the City of Sacramento’s Planning and Design Commission for three years, voicing the concerns of community members and investigating projects throughout the city to ensure that every project she approved reflected the neighborhood it serves.
Anna has also served on the boards of charitable arts groups and has fundraised on behalf of numerous causes. Her passion for the arts drew her to sing and, later, serve on the Board of Directors of the Sacramento Choral Society & Orchestra. She has also chaired the fundraising committee for the inaugural Artober celebration, Sacramento’s month-long celebration of the arts in October each year. Anna served one term as the chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County and remains active in statewide and local Democratic Party organizations.
A strong advocate of quality public education, Anna has also volunteered as a mentor in the Sacramento City Unified School District, providing support and understanding to sixth grade girls who live in less fortunate circumstances. Anna and her husband, Kai, have two inquisitive and engaging children, ages 6 and 3, with a third child on the way.

Clyde "Peter" McNamee
Retired State & Local Government Official & Senior Policy Consultant
In 2008, Peter retired after serving 32 years in state and local government both as an elected official and senior policy consultant to California’s legislature and five Governors. His experience includes a Governor’s appointment as executive director of California’s Employment Training Panel overseeing a quarter billion dollar worker training program portfolio. Peter also served as a senior project manager for California’s Little Hoover Commission, undertaking major policy studies targeting government reorganization, vocational education, e-government, the teacher workforce and foster care. His government service includes legislative affairs, policy and budget development, as well as program administration in areas such as child care, healthcare, political reform and court management. In 1978, Peter was elected County Clerk and Recorder in Yolo County and reelected again in 1982. Peter holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Davis and a master’s degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. In addition to serving on NCCT’s governing board, Peter is also a director of the Redwood Empire Fair Board in Mendocino County where he resides.

Joseph Devlin
Senior Vice President of Ikanik Farms
Highly accomplished strategic communications professional specializing in targeting, planning, and message development, with extensive experience managing and directing political campaigns. Recognized for ability to build key relationships and create inclusive high performance teams.
Mr. Devlin has over 15 years experience as a Sacramento based political consultant managing and directing successful political campaigns. He has worked as the principal consultant to local and state candidate campaigns, initiatives, and independent expenditures throughout California. Developing highly effective field strategies targeting key voter universes is a particular strength. Mr. Devlin was often called upon to develop winning campaign strategies and tactics for campaigns in what are otherwise unfavorable circumstances.
Mr. Devlin has worked in the California State Legislature as a Legislative Director and as a Consultant to the Speaker of the Assembly. Prior to becoming involved in politics Mr. Devlin worked as a consultant securing development entitlements for various developers.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Government with a concentration in State and Local Government from California State University at Sacramento, was recognized as one of Sacramento’s 40 under 40 in 2013 and is a two time participant in the US State Department, American Council of Government’s Professional Fellows Program (Azerbaijan 2014 & Ukraine 2015)
Following his lengthy career in the political arena, he is currently venturing out into the private sector as the Senior Vice President of Ikanik Farms. In a press release, Ikanik’s Canada-based parent company cited Mr. Devlin’s experience, saying that under his guidance, Sacramento had become a leader in cannabis regulation and its cannabis economy had attracted “hundreds of millions of dollars in investment.” Mr. Devlin will lead its government and external affairs division and intends to develop synergistic and meaningful civic partnerships.

Chris McCaffree
Treasurer of Teichert Construction
Chris is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with 30+ years in financial leadership in Construction, High Tech, Manufacturing, and Government.
He focuses on engaging employees and using technology as a primary way to help organizations compete and succee