NCCT Success
Why has NCCT been so successful?
Our Late Founder and President, Bill Meehan had a national reputation in the construction industry. He was well respected by contractors, unions and apprentice schools alike. He developed a program that offers students not only an opportunity to succeed and build a successful career but also to overcome many barriers. His innovation and forward thinking brought together several government and private agencies to focus on common issues and goals beneficial for all. Mr. Meehan’s “organizational abilities and determination to provide a quality education program” were the catalysts that have led to the program’s great success.
Job Placement/Successful graduates
Community Collaborations and Partnerships
Training, Leadership & Life Skills

Amanda Ontiveros
My name is Amanda Ontiveros and I am 43 years old. I had 5 children very young, and I was unable to complete my education so, I started to make some mistakes that cost me many years of my life. I have been incarcerated numerous times and it seemed like no matter how much I exceled in a positive direction I was stuck in a revolving cycle. I have been employed off and on over the years and even held management positions but lacking education or career based skills I continued to fall short.
Of course, at some point it was my choice and I had to stick to my guns and stand up for what I wanted to have out of life. After my last time visiting the Dept. of Correction about 1 year ago I was beside myself with disbelief. All I could do was ask myself, “what have you been doing for the past 20 years”?
At that point, I made me a goal plan. I had always been in a hurry to just get a job so I could support myself, not having to depend on anyone else. I also thought to myself that is what I’ve always done and always gotten the same results.
I heard about Northern California Construction Training from various people and decided that I would check it out. The construction field is hard work and not an easy accomplishment for a woman. When I went to the school to enroll I noticed that during the summer they would be starting a fast track program where they would be training students for positions at Clark Pacific, a precast concrete company involved in the Local 185 Labors Union.
With the help of the school, instructors, and outside organizations I accumulated certifications such as OSHA 10, Hazwoper 40, Flagger, HILTI, CPR and First Aid as well as learning the basics on multiple construction trades. I was hired by Clark Pacific in August 2017.
With the above training, I now have a career not just another job.
Today I have part in daily tracking progress of scheduled jobs, planning and reading blueprint specifications. My employer offers further education if I desire, decent wages, medical, dental, vision, life insurance and retirement. I have even been able to buy my first brand new car. I am still beside myself with relief. My determination coupled with the great opportunity the NCCT program provided, gave me MY SUCCESS…!
Much Appreciation and Gratitude,
Amanda J. Ontiveros

Olga Sanchez
“Before Olga Sanchez came to our program she was struggling with her direction in life. She lost her children and didn’t know what to do after that heartbreaking experience.
The Greater Sacramento Urban League referred her to our program because she was on welfare. She was tired of working part time jobs and wanted her children to be proud of their mother. So, she decided to attend NCCT for training and to find a career.
She showed up every day with a positive attitude and willingness to learn. While in the program, Olga developed proper work habits such as time management abilities, problem-solving, self-confidence and being a team player.
Olga stood out as a student and was given the opportunity to try out for the Laborer Union (Local 185) and was accepted. Her husband Robert Sanchez, a NCCT student, was also accepted in the Laborer Union as well.
Olga and Robert recently got her children back and bought a car for their family. Olga is drug free and on the right path for her future!
I personally could not be more proud of the things she has accomplished. I feel that she has made the best of this program and used all the resources available to her!
When Olga is between jobs with the Union, she drives our DRC West/Sac shuttle van!”
-Jason Billington

Jeffrey Creagan
“Jeffrey Creagan is currently an Ironworker for Local Union 118. His journey to become an Iron Worker started while he was incarcerated. He participated in Welding Vocation classes and received multiple certifications.
Jeffrey began SCBC in September of 2015 with excitement and desire to become an Ironworker. He began the NCCT program through SCBC in October of 2015.
From the first day he started I could feel his determination through his hard work and leadership.
He attended class every day and always showed up early and prepared. He entered the boot camp and completed with flying colors.
Jeffrey often said, “Nobody can go and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending!” He definitely has started a new beginning and is on the road to success.
Jeffrey currently works full time for Linden Construction, they are currently working on the UC Davis site. He credits a large part of his success to NCCT.”
-Instructor Ralph Earnest